HMP Maidstone

Maidstone, Kent

In collaboration with HMP Maidstone and Kent County Council we are building an innovative micro tree nursery, as part of a Shared Outcomes Fund pilot in partnership with the Defra, The Tree Council and Natural England.

The foreign nationals, who make up the population of this Cat C prison, will be growing trees and hedging whilst:

1. Education and qualification programme

An introductory City & Guilds Practical Horticulture Level 1 qualification delivered by an experienced Prison Officer giving an introduction to growing plants and trees

2. Wellbeing Programme

Each teaching cycle will be alongside therapy sessions, to support health and wellbeing. Sessions will cover topics such as:

  • Nature connection
  • Food & nutrition
  •  Stress relief & emotional wellbeing

HMP Whitemoor

March, Cambrideshire

In collaboration with HMP Whitemoor and the No.1 Governor Ruth Stephens, Seeding Hope will implement the initial pilot programme Horticultural Education and Wellbeing Course. The programme will incorporate two key strands:

  1. Education and qualification programme

    A qualified horticultural teacher will deliver a City & Guilds based course over one year to a group of 12 residents. Through practical and immersive teaching, each resident will learn whilst growing literally and metaphorically.

  2. Wellbeing programme

    Each teaching module will be complimented by therapeutic sessions, to support health and wellbeing. Sessions will cover topics such as:

    • Nature connection
    • Food & nutrition
    •  Stress relief & emotional wellbeing
124 Thorpe Road, Norwich, England, NR1 1RS
Company number 13275477
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